Karen S. Chan

Multimedia artist.

My work started in film, but the projects became sparse and I moved into television news. After a few years of technical audio work, I felt the need to be more creative in my endeavors. I returned to the entertainment side to create, animate and edit a short for a children's video series. More and more, I found myself returning to my sketchpad to design, create and amuse myself. This led to designing /typesetting invitations and then to a rewarding position as a lecture artist where I illustrated and typeset lecture content to accompany educational videos. Currently, I create designs and illustrations for two research projects that benefit early elementary children struggling with mathematics. 

I have traditional drawing skills but these days, I'm predominately working through the digital medium.  Most of my work is created in Illustrator, InDesign or Photoshop, but I have been known to use Freehand when the project dictates. My film and television work comes in handy when dealing with composition and also literally this past year when assigned to record training videos of the intervention materials in practice.

By nature, I'm curious which in turn leads to my love of learning and creating.  Whether it be about the world, the mind, ideas, or perception, I tend to ask a lot of questions to gain a better understanding of everything.  I don't just see and produce images, but also what they communicate.  I work big and towards an end result.  It's both the end and the process that motivate me.  In my spare time, I love to draw and to make things-art, food, scarves, cards or gifts. Basically, when there's time, I get crafty!